My best friend passed away a few months ago. I gave myself some time to
get it together and write something on my blog in remembrance of her... It still makes my heart ache all this time later, when I think of her passing. I talked to her on a Tuesday and the very next evening she was gone.... Gone. I cannot even fathom that. My best friend. The one I shared so many special times with...
When I read on the
Simon Says Challenge blog that this weeks art challenge was "Paint" I decided to paint something to get out the frustration I was feeling over my friends death.... This is far from what I had originally imagined, but you know how that goes~

My best friends name was Nellrene and I loved her so much, she was the glitter in my life. Even though she was 30 years my senior, I never thought of her as old. Ever. Nellrene's personality and bubbly energy was almost Peter Pan like if that makes any sense. Oh the fun times we had together when we hung out. Oh man.... the laughter, the giggling... she was a total blast to spend any amount of time with. We would always go shopping,
that was a given *wink* then of course we would be starving--- so of course, we just
had to do lunch and sometimes even dinner! I would often times let Nellrene take the lead into the restaurants... as I chatted with the hostess as we walked to our table, I would whisper to her that it was Nellrene's birthday... It never was. After our meal, the waitress staff would come to our table and sing "Happy Birthday" with a bowl of ice cream for the
birthday girl. She would just say, "Oh Cheryl" and I'd be a giggling mess across from her, sometimes to the point that I'd fall over in the booth laughing/crying hysterically. One day it occurred to me-- that I was getting the short end of that deal... so from that day forward, it was "our" birthdays! So, the waitress staff always brought two bowls of ice cream and sang us both "Happy Birthday!" Oh the times we had together!
Nellrene was an avid crocheter. She would tackle hard afghan patterns without hesitation. Just seeing her afghans in progress with balls of yarn dangling from it waiting to be picked up and stitched into the pattern made me cringe. I am self taught at crocheting and changing yarn color was something I never liked doing. Nellrene showed me how to change yarn color while following a pattern... We both were crocheting a small square with several color changes, upon completion of both our squares she stacked them upon each other and began to laugh. Her square was about 9 inches square, and mine was about 5 inches square. Nellrene's was loose, and mine could have been used to stop a bullet it was so tightly crocheted. Again, in my defense, I am self taught at crocheting! *wink* From that day forward I have "loosened" up my crocheting considerably~
I think we had been friends for a little over 17 years. She shared some pretty important times in my life. She was so loved by me personally and my family.... *sigh* She was always there for me, I never had to ask, she would just be there supporting me, always. When my daughter had major surgery Nellrene sat with me and waited with me, what a blessing she had been to me that day. My daughter was then in intensive care for a week and Nellrene would come in the
hospital to visit. Having her love and support was invaluable during
that stressful time, she was incredible.
During my daughter's senior year of high school, whenever Nellrene and I were out shopping I was always looking for aquamarine earrings for my daughter for her graduation. I wanted to get her small emerald cut aquamarine earrings. I found plenty of round cut earrings, square cut earrings, but not the emerald cut ones I was looking for. I pretty much gave up on the idea of finding any seeing how there seemed to be none readily available. Well, Nellrene found her a pair and gifted them to her for her graduation. She wore them with her cap and gown as she received her diploma.. *sigh* It was a beautiful gesture that touches my heart every time I remember it. I cannot remember any other gifts she received or even what
I gave her for graduation
... but I remember that gift. Nellrene was not only generous with the love she gave to me and my family but with the thoughtful, loving gifts she gave. She gave to me the greatest gift of all which was her love :-)
Another milestone in my daughter's life was the day she got married. Without hesitation, Nellrene was there to help us celebrate the day. I cannot image that special day without her there... she made the day even more special for me and my daughter for attending.
Nellrene was an amazing women. She was my best friend. I would often times describe her to people as my personal cheerleader. She was always encouraging of everything I did... always. Sometimes I felt like she was going to pull out a package of gold stars and stick them on things when I would show off to her. I loved getting her approval on things. Again, all those
gold star moments are with me to this very moment.

Every time we parted we would hug each other tightly and tell each other we loved one another. How lucky am I to have loved someone so deeply and to have been loved so deeply!
I love you Nellrene. When I get to Heaven, tell them its
our birthday will ya?
big hugs,