Welcome to the Mad Hatter's Tea Party.
The summer heat in California was taking its toll on sweet little Alice. She relished the shade of large leafy trees...

but the full mid day sun was making her peachy complexion a horrid shade of red. Which didn't suit Alice at all~

Alice decided she needed a hat to keep the sun off her and help keep her cool. Alice decided to ride her temperamental pony to the store to purchase a new hat. Sometimes her little pony didn't cooperate and would just stand still without budging.... and that is exactly what her pony did this particular day~
So, Alice decided to walk instead... but just then, along came a helpful guy that offered to guide her pony to the store. He pulled and pulled the pony~
and pushed and pushed the pony~
But, the pony didn't budge~
"Time is of the essence," he said~
and with that, he just walked away~
So little Alice walked to the store to see what kind of selection they had in hats~

Alice was shocked to find the store was completely sold out of hats. What are the odds of that~

Upon leaving the store Alice ran into that helpful guy she had met earlier... Alice had a plan~

Alice invited her new friend to go have a cup of tea at a nearby cafe~

They laughed and were having fun visiting over tea, all the while Alice was working out the details of her plan in her head~
After they both had finished their tea, Alice set her plan in motion....
They would play a fun game of toss...
Just like she had planned, the Mad Hatter's enthusiasm to catch the ball sent his hat sailing...
Little Alice snatched up the Mad Hatter's hat and claimed it as her own!
Obviously, she hadn't thought through all the details~
The End~
This blogging event is hosted by Vanessa over at "
A Fanciful Twist"
big hugs,