I hosted my grand kids pirate parties a few weeks ago...I think everyone had a good time. I know I did! The shooting gallery was a big hit.

It was cute to see the little kids take aim and fire the rubber bands at various things.
I was impressed that the kids didn't shoot at each other, that was a big concern of mine.
The tattoo parlor was a popular place too. Here it is waiting for the first customer to have a seat...

I had a binder full of fun things for the kids to select from....

My grand daughter is the queen of giving tattoos...

I let whomever wanted to apply the tattoos do so. All the kids were very nice and helped each other out... cute.

Sometimes it is just plain fun to be in charge of something.

I added a Foosball table to the backyard this year.

I had this beside the larger pirate store. I think the kids liked it, although it didn't hold their attention that long....

There is a lot to see in our pirate backyard....
You just never know what your bound to see looking around...
Tucked in amongst the pirate loot are random mice, snakes etc... which have even managed to scare me--- and I'm the one who put them there!
Hard to believe but in the middle of my backyard is a pool. I normally don't show it in photos--- because it detracts from my pirate yard. *wink* I did take down our pool fence.... so I needed to create something to keep the kids mindful of the pool... so I made some crowd control barriers. Easy peasy... and they worked. No one fell into the pool.
I wanted to make a small pirate ship for the pool... but I just couldn't bring myself to start another project. Maybe next year~
My backyard really isn't that big to be honest. I live on a corner lot so my backyard is "L" shaped... the side of my house has a long wooden deck which is where the party games are held...

The three trees planted along the fence line in the front yard provide the area with plenty of shade...
That and the fact I have three matching gazebos lined up on the deck!

I often times wonder what our house looks like from the sky when a random plane or helicopter flies overhead...

On the cement RV pad is where I have the Boutiki store...
This little store is full of wooden things like Tiki's and wooden bowls and hand carved items. All of which I do in my spare time *ahem*
My grand daughter Chloe really likes to play in here...

It is her store after all.... She loves to play cashier... and sweep.
The pirate ship regatta game didn't pan out... who knew there was an art at making boats that floated. Oh they were cute--- but they fell over and sank... so it then became a "Blow your cannon ball Game"

No one was the wiser *wink* It was a hot day... even I stuck my hand in the cool water a few times.

This little cherub had her hand in this bucket of fish most of the morning. Looks like fun doesn't it?
We had a lot of candy on the buffet table, I had to remind kids to help themselves to whatever they wanted. Very well behaved kids, I must say!
Chloe was Ms. Business as usual... busy sorting out tattoos...
Chloe was at the spa right before her birthday party. She had her hair done and a french manicure too....
Nana had her well schooled on what to ask for on her nails.
Most everyone came dressed in their finest pirate attire...
How adorable huh?
Even this cute-as-can-be baby got in the pirate spirit. This little one was a complete joy! Such a happy baby :-)
All in all it was a fabulous day filled with fun times for my grand kids and their friends.

*one last photo*... This photo of Chloe receiving one of the gifts I had given her just cracks me up.... I couldn't even see her behind the box--- and when I did she said to me, "Thanks, I was needing a new glue stick." Oh that girl makes me laugh!
Glue sticks?... I'm still laughing~
big hugs,