Since reading about Kelli's backyard frog. I thought I would tell about my indoor turtles. I have three baby turtles. Ok, they are no longer babies as the two larger ones...Button and Harry, are about 3 years old now, and the smallest one "Tipsy" is about 2 years old. When I first got the turtles it was scarey since they were about the size of quarters and they seemed very frail. There is never a guarantee that they will live seeing how they start off so tiny and lets face it, when your not an expert on turtle care, that right there can kill them off! So I googled what to feed them etc and they seem to be thriving. :-) When I first got them I would cut up worms and put them on a little dish for them to eat (along with fruits/veggies) I still cut up the fruits & veggies, but luckily I don't have to cut up any more worms! I still use a tiny plate to feed them on though, I personally think they like it rather than eating it all covered with dirt. I have to keep the two bigger ones away from the tiny one or they would eat its little legs off.... The turtles eyesight is not the greatest, and nothing makes their mouths water more than something wiggling, regardless if its another turtles legs! Here is a photo of Tipsy (the littlest one) and Button. I let them eat together only when I supervise. I think its important they get to know eachother over food lol. I placed a quarter next to the dish so you can see just how small they still are. The "plate" is a drink coaster~

Tipsy has the right idea...just climb right into the dish!
This is Harry. Harry is soaking for awhile while the girls are starting their dinner. Harry is a monster...he'll surely eat your legs off (if your a turtle) if your not careful! The turtles go poops in the water, so I like to let them soak in another container so their habitats don't get all stinky.
If you were to purchase a turtle from a pet store you will find that you can only get one that is 4 inches or larger. There is a law that states that you can't buy a turtle smaller as its a concern small children will place the turtles smaller than 4 inches in their mouths.... Most turtles carry salmonella and thats the reason behind the law. My baby turtles were a private adoption from a friend so thats how I got them. When I had my turtles for about a month...I just couldn't resist giving one of them a little kiss on the top of its shell. Well~ the very next morning I awoke with swollen lips. Botox? who needs botex??? I had thee most beautiful puffy pouty lips ever! I should sell that idea to some of those puffy-lipped wanna-be superstars! I'd make a fortune!!!
This Show & Tell Friday is hosted by: Kelli
Your little turtles are sooo cute. I love how the little one just climbs right in the middle of the plate. That's what my rabbit does. We make him a salad and he climbs right on top of the plate and lays down, then eats his kibbles out of another dish while laying in his salad. Pets are so much fun. No matter what the species, they all have a little personality that's different from anybody else, and ya gotta just love 'em all!
ReplyDeletewhat a wonderful show & tell! your turtles are and ever so cute too.
ReplyDeleteNature has a wonderful way of doing things doesn't she! turtles so slow but so important.
thanks for sharing such cutes!!! friends.
Cute! My little niece had several pet turtles until she recently had to move back to the USA. She did give them to some friends who promised to care for them as well as she alwasy did. Let's hope so! I will send her to your post when she gets back from camp. I just know she will love seeing these guys!
ReplyDeleteI love Harry. I always wanted to name a pet Harry!
ReplyDeleteI think I am not surprised that you gave the turtle a kiss, they are your *pets*
Thanks for sharing!
Your indoor turtles are very cute indeed but I guess you will never kiss them again, won't you? What a funny endling of your show & tell!
ReplyDeleteBest wishes from Germany,
I think you are the first person I've ever heard of who has turtles in the home for pets. I like the names!!
Now those little guys are some fun pets. They were lucky to have found someone like you to take such good care.
ReplyDeleteTake care,
My show and tell is up.
My kids are constantly wanting to bring home baby turtles from the lake, now that I know they can carry samonela, I know why I haven't let them. Thanks for sharing.
ReplyDeleteThey are very cute but I had no idea they could make you sick/or give you pouty lips :-)
ReplyDeleteThose turtles are so cute! I like to watch them and once I brought one in from my front yard to let the children watch it crawl around in a laundry basket, lol. We let him go after a while and he was most pleased. :-) Thank you for sharing!
ReplyDeleteYour little turtles are so cute!
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing!
They are adorable. I had a turtle for years when I was a kid. I loved the pic of Harry 'soaking;!
ReplyDeleteSo Neat, we dont have turtles, we have hermit crabs, but I understand the whole Google search thing.lol
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing and Yes the lil one has the right idea, jump into the dish and eat.LOL
I love turtles! Well, I love animals. :)
ReplyDeleteSo do you know why your lips swelled?
Your turtles are so cute! It looks they are really enjoying their food. My sister always had a pet turtle and we had fun watching them. Too funny about your free botoxed lips! LOL
Awww, they are so cute! My hubby found an adult turtle in a suburban street once, so he brought it home for us to look after. Unfortunately we put it in our garden which was partially fenced off to keep the dog out, but the turtle proved too interesting to ignore, so Tammy (a German Shepherd) just jumped over the fence and started eating the poor creature. We didn't find it until a few hours later and we were terribly upset. I told Ken he should have left it where he found it, but of course we'll never know. Another dog could have found it there...
ReplyDeleteI love your botox comment. Kiss a frog and get a prince, or kiss a turtle and get sultry lips. =)
ReplyDeleteI didn't know their eyesight was such that they'd mistake another turtle's leg for a worm. I did know about salmonella -- but didn't know touching them with your lips would make your lips poofy! Unique shoe and tell!
ReplyDeleteHow cute!
ReplyDeleteMy nephew had some outside,turtles when he was a young bachelor. He could call them for dinner. They loved melon. He would cut it in big pieces and call their names. They would come running--Well, turtle running, which is not very fast! It was funny to see. I don't know what happened to those turtles, but I know they lived in his backyard for several years.
How cute. Very intersting show and tell.
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing and have a blessed weekend.
Oh there so cute, but when I use to camp with my grandparents,everytime I caught a turtle, I got ill. Man a real run on sentence there folks. Sorry I teach special ed. LOL.
ReplyDeleteOpps, ps. I'd live to order one of those grow a frogs for my classroom. I think they are so cute.
ReplyDeleteIt's best to ease off the fruits,the 3 toed Box Turtle needs more protein at that age. Mealworms, wax worms, crickets are good, as is canned dog food on occassion. Also if you can work in a little clcium into the diet it will help in shell development. As far as the salmonella, It is far more likely, nearly 200 times more likely you'll suffer "food poisoning" from exchanging currency, than handling turtles. You are right about the size limit. It ultimately was a godsend for the infant Slider population that was sold essentially as "disposible" pets.