Paintin' signs....
I made this happy birthday sign for my grandson 4 years ago using a gold plastic frame that once held a mirror. With the mirror missing, I purchased the frame for only $1. I used acrylic paint to highlight some of the features on the plastic frame. I was only able to use it twice since I didn't have one for his sister....
Well, I finally found a frame to paint a happy birthday sign for my grand daughter. This gold plastic frame (minus the mirror) was $2.... with a little bit of paint, an old map, glitter and a lot of time I had a finished sign! These will get hung somewhere at our pirate party~
This next frame was a .50¢ yard sale find, this is an important sign for any pirate party. Its kinda hard to read in this photo... but it reads "Beatings will continue until morale improves"
truer words never spoken~
Here are some pinks around my home.... Some pink silk flowers in a vintage basket sitting on my dresser in my bedroom.
A vignette on top of my refabed pie safe with shabby chic fabric covering the tin panels.
A pink vintage dress...
I like to buy old yard lights-- working or not, and turn them into fairy houses and place them in my grandkids play yard. These four lights below were .25¢ each. Here are two little cutie-pies....
and two more little pixies....
I've linked up to "How Sweet the Sounds" pink Saturday's linky party. Congratulations Beverly on celebrating your third year hosting "Pink Saturdays" thats a lot of pink!
Car-land Game
My grandson's preschool class gave him a homework assignment-- create a game along the lines of the game "Candyland" He was given an 8 1/2 x 11 sheet of cardstock to build his game on.... Cardstock? seriously, if we're putting in time & effort into this, its getting a bona-fide GAME BOARD....mumble-mumble..... Here is Jonathan painting his game board...
I drew three identical cars onto some shrinky dink plastic, which I had him color. He loved watching them shrink into tiny plastic "cars"
Here is the game board completed. I printed and cut out all the street signs for him and he glued them in place. We talked about what each sign meant as he was picking them out. We also picked out a lot of small car related toys to use as decorations for the game board. Bails of hay, tires, orange cones and two small figures... one holding a flag to tell them to "go" and one holding a trophy at the finish line.
Here are my two grandkids playing with the "Car-land game" Jonathan made. Look at the camera you guys...
ah, much better. Hmmm is that Jonathan cheating while Chloe is looking at the camera???
After working with him on his project, I finally got around to planting the six rose bushes I bought recently. I love buying plants... but then you have to come home and plant them! Always a catch. I thought I'd share a photo of my sweet cat "Puss-puss" laying in the bird bath I have in my front yard. She really likes water. If I squirt the hose on the lawn, she chases the water stream all the while getting soaked. She's a love~ 

ho..... pirate bunting for me~ Red & white polka dot bunting to be exact.
I love how these turned out. I'm thinking about leaving this up all summer long~
I also finished turning the "Woody" pinata into a Pirate pinata.
Then I made two purple people eaters... one fat, one skinny-- don't ask....
Back to pirate stuff... I then painted a sign that reads, "Absolutely No Swashbuckling" Which for you land lovers means "no fighting"
It took a bazillion coats of white paint. The board is extremely textured, with long grooves and ridges, so the paint didn't flow easily. Although, I do like the end result :-) I'm glad I didn't chuck it out when I realized just how much work it would take to finish it! This is just a smidgen of the things I've been working on lately, only 20 more days left until our big yearly 3-day pirate party. Eeeeeeeeeeeeek..... I better get offline and get busy!!! Yo-ho-ho me hearties!
Have you seen those little tiny pictures next to blog links? Well, I don't know if you can see mine or not.... but I added a rose "Favicon" to my link. So easy to do..... wanna know how I did it? Good.... lets get started. Go to www.iconj.com and on the top right hand side you'll see a box that says "Free Favicon Hosting" Browse for a picture... I used one of a rose that I had saved previously from a free image source. Once I chose my image, I sharpened mine +2. Next you just click on the "upload now" button. Thats it. For blogspot blogs.... you have to use the second LINK they give you--- not the top link. Now comes the tricky part. Putting this link into your html code. Yikes right? Easy-peasy.
Here we go.... Click on "design" then click on "edit html" Approximately 10 lines down from the top, you'll find the word < head >You will want to paste your code underneath the word head. Hit enter to bring it down another line, then paste it one more time, BUT the second time deleat the word "shortcut" from the second link only. Now.... copy the entire code once again and search throughout your html code and find what looks like this, ]] > < / b : s kin > paste your html under that and before < / head >. Its way down towards the bottom of the page... This will allow your picture to show up in the search bar next to your blogs link. Thats it. You can preview this-- I did and didn't see a blasted thing. But, once I hit "save template" it appeared like magic. Although, now I see its gone again....lol... Possibly it has something to do with the internet at this time, but I'm hopeful it will be back soon!
Here we go.... Click on "design" then click on "edit html" Approximately 10 lines down from the top, you'll find the word < head >You will want to paste your code underneath the word head. Hit enter to bring it down another line, then paste it one more time, BUT the second time deleat the word "shortcut" from the second link only. Now.... copy the entire code once again and search throughout your html code and find what looks like this, ]] > < / b : s kin > paste your html under that and before < / head >. Its way down towards the bottom of the page... This will allow your picture to show up in the search bar next to your blogs link. Thats it. You can preview this-- I did and didn't see a blasted thing. But, once I hit "save template" it appeared like magic. Although, now I see its gone again....lol... Possibly it has something to do with the internet at this time, but I'm hopeful it will be back soon!
Ah, the weather was perfect for yard sailing this past weekend. I had a super-fun time hitting some long-long-long block sales..... prices were great, the weather was fabulous and everyone was super friendly :-) Here are just a few things that I picked up... I found some jewelry along with a large faceted glass paper weight-- all of this for $2.
A silver champagne bucket for $1....
A large fabulous yellow bird cage for only $3....
Two pirate chests for $3....
Some pirate treasure, a pink & white box and some wooden paint samples, all of this for only $2.
I also found three containers that I am going to use to hold some of my jewelry for $3-- I have never heard of "trollbeads" before...
I googled the name... and up popped this link. WOW! They are selling the very same 3 containers for FIFTY DOLLARS. Crazy-crazy. I have these in my vintage dresser holding my earrings. They work perfectly! Fifty dollars... have you ever in your life?......
Lastly, this clock. I can't remember if I shared this already or not. I bought it a while ago---- for only $1. It works too!
A fun-fun-fun treasure filled weekend, coupled with a gift card to HOME DEPOT from my lovely daughter... and it made for a perfect Mothers day weekend. I've linked up with "Thrift Share Monday" and "Nifty Thrifty Tuesdays"
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