Okie dokie folkies~.... Here is what I've made this past week :-) This is one of those take-a-long shopping carts...well, I've made an ubber cute bag insert for it! The lime green and white fabric is an old light-weight bedspread that I found at a local thrift store for $3 buckeroos~ I made two 6 inch pockets inside for holding paper & pens, business cards etc.... I've fitted the bottom of the cart with some foam core poster board to firm it up a bit. Seeing how I love scalloped edges on EvErYtHiNg...I took the time and made a fabric scalloped edge for my cart, added a few buttons and "taaaaaaa-daaaaaaaaa" instant cute cart! Below is a close up view of the pocket before I stitched it on :-P I also made a little plaque and attached it to the front of the cart.... and of course a little bag to house extra/emergency plastic bags!
I think if I were to make this again...(and you know I will!) I would make it a little bit bigger as its kinda snug. You can see in the above photo that it looks like there is a line going along the buttons...nope...its just pulled tightly. I am hoping that that will work itself out and relax a bit. I don't want an "uptight" cart! lol