This past
previous weekend I went to 3 block sales and one parking lot rummage sale. The weather was beautiful, my sweet-sweet '66 Mustang was purring along, my grandkids were coming over for the day to play. Everything was right in the world. Soooooooooo the first block sale... nothing fancy-pancy, there were four houses set up when I got there at 6:30. First house, two magazines--- .20cents. Next two house, nadda-zip-zilch. The last house.... interesting. Tons of things nicely set up. Gag, those are the yard sales that always charge an arm and a leg. Wait... whatdid'ya say? Cheap stuff? ok... how much for these 5 frames? .50cents you say? I say SOLD. They had a desk top covered with some jewelry and watches. I was wanting some odds and ends of jewelry. The gal said I can have it all for $5 bucks.
(The following two pictures shows the stuff I'm keeping) Most will be used in art, some will be worn and the other things will be tossed into my grandaughter's
play jewelry box. There are 12 watches, bracelets, sterling silver earrings, brand new earrings with $20 prices still on them...

Necklaces, chains, goldtone hair barrettes, 3 sterling silver bangles....

I spotted a little black box on another table... opened it, thought ok, more jewelry... I was to lazy to put on my glasses to actually
see what it was. -- I asked how much, they looked at it and said a buck. Ok, toss that into my bag, I'll take it. See the small black box on top of the other box? Howza'bout a closer look to see what my dollar got me?....

There were two chains and two pendants.... cute~

There were these three...A sterling silver ring, a sterling silver charm and a sterling silver band around a crystal. Very cute~
Lastly, there were these three.... Two 14 carat rings with diamonds and a 14 carat heart charm.
Seriously, had I
had my glasses on, I would have put the box down and walked away from it figuring it was going to be a huge amount being asked for each piece.... I calculated $1 by 8 items... and it worked out to 12.5 cents apiece. The big gold ring is my
Merit badge. Who's laughing now? um yea, that'd be me, out loud I might add! I am wearing it as I type!
Inside the garage I found a dagger letter opener that will be a perfect little addition for
my pirate outfit .50cents, bunches of silk roses for .50cents for the lot, yards & yards of fabric with roses on it all for .50cents, X-mas ornaments .50cents and here is a picture of those wooden gold frames that I got for .50cents for the lot that started my shopping frenzy at that yard sale.

I also got a huge gold key for $3, a wooden tiki guy for $2, and a brown round suitcase for $2. And a lifetime of smiling at my new 12cent diamond ring~

Below is this weeks haul! A chiming clock that works... $1 I'm not a big fan of chiming clocks, I
was going to pull this one apart and use it for a mixed media piece--- but it has a soft chime, so it might live like it is for awhile~
But its sooooooooo getting painted white & distressed.
Two rose paintings $5 for both~
Twiggy garland was $3.... there are two of them and they are both marked $16.98 each. *gasp* Man-oh-man, I had a hard enough time forking over three bucks, can you imagine paying close to twenty bucks each???

Antique rose painting $1~
Look at the beautiful chippiness of it.... I'm going to seal it with some matte shellac to prevent any more of the paint from coming off. (don't try this on anything of value)

A mirror $4, a china clock $1, bingo game cards .50cents, a milk glass candy dish with roses on it $1 and lastly, a .25cent bottle that I'm going to use at my Mad hatter tea party.

I guess I'll get busy paintin'~