I've found a lot of treasures over the last few weeks for my back yard... I was needing some old bottles for my pirate bar-- and ta da, there they were.
Once I got them home I added burlap caps to the bottles, they look so much better now.

I fell in love with this big urn, it is nicely aged with some gouged marks around the rim. I am always looking to buy old pulleys-- and this one with the hook for only $3 was a super deal.

Lots of different shaped pots that I'll place in amongst the bushes...
Of course, some wooden treasures...

and even more wooden treasures...
Anything wooden catches my eye. The tiki store is filling up surprisingly fast. I guess there isn't a big market for wooden
junk stuff?

I stopped dead in my tracks when I spotted these three monkeys... oh so cute! The wooden box was a must have, perfectly aged for a fabulous pirate prop! The blue netting below was a hammock chair which I simply cut off the hanging part of to create a
fish net.
This Aztec container is a really good sized piece. It is very heavy and I think its going to be a nice addition to my pirate yarrrd~
I am loving the gourd water jug shown below. The wooden spigot is going to be added to one of the huge wooden barrels I have. I think it will be adorable once I've stenciled "RUM" on the side of the barrel and have this spigot below it!
This scale was another must have...
The blue bottle below is huge. HUGE. I'll peel off the label and stick it the ground close by the pirate bar... arrrggggh~

Here is my pirate bar hutch that I've been working on. It is pretty much near completion other than just the fun part of staging it. The hutch itself was a five dollar find. No glass in the doors, no base for the hutch to sit on--- but I was delighted with it! I made the base for the hutch using scraps of posts, two by fours and fence boards that I already had. It sits lower than it would in a house because I didn't want to have it higher than the fence line. You can see the two barrels at either side in front of the hutch. These are going to be the ends of the actual bar itself.... stay tuned for that!

I added rolled bamboo to the back of the hutch itself giving it a more pirate feel to it. I also added some woven bamboo mats to the bottom portion. Now the wooden paneling is covered completely.
I had a LOT of fun using the various treasures I've been collecting to stage this piece. Here is the scale, the water jug, the pulley, keys and netting all placed around the hutch...

I hung another scale on the other side of the hutch, I hung a metal bucket from that one... for now.

The weather has really been cooperating with me wanting to work in my yard.... a forecast of 70 degrees for tomorrow in Dec/Jan? Oh its on!
big hugs,