1.to have confidence in the truth, the existence, or the reliability of something, although without absolute proof that one is right in doing so: Only if one believes in something can one act purposefully.
My favorite word~
This lil' cherub of mine~
The cherub is pinned to the center of my bulletin board. I think I am going to use this as a backdrop to take photos of things I make. First I think I'm going to have to redo that fabric choice! It worked/looked cute when it was just a bulletin board, but I think its to busy for a backdrop.
Swapping fun~
1. Favorite Color:
Lately I'm into the color that I like to call pistachio
2. Chocolate Lover? Milk, Dark, White, or none of the above?
I like milk chocolate and white chocolate as well~
3. What is your favorite craft hobby?
Hmmmmm I don't have an all time favorite craft but I like to: sew & crochet
4. What is a craft/art hobby that you would like to start?
5. What craft do you NOT have an interest in or just not great in ( so your partner doesn’t send something you wouldn’t use)?
6. Do you have any allergies? (we don’t want to send anything with peanuts if it’ll make you blow up like a balloon!)
No allergies, ok, maybe to working but thats under control lol
7.What’s your favorite part of Halloween? Decorating, candy eating, costumes, or something else?
Now that I have a grandson its seeing things through his eyes thats the bestest part.... so its all fun.
8. Do you decorate for Thanksgiving/Fall?
A little bit~
9. December Holidays--what holiday do you celebrate? What type of decorations do you like to put up in your house for that holiday?
I celebrate Christmas eve, Christmas and the day after Christmas lol.... and if there were more to celebrate I'd celebrate them all as well! I do the whole "Christmas thing" tree- lights -Santas etc.
10. Do you have any children, if so what are their ages, boys/girls?
I have one daughter who is 21, one son-in-law who is 24 and one grandson who is 5 months old. (they have been married for 3 years)
11. Do you have any pets, if so what kind?
I have four cats: Mr. Zacky, Baby, Mocha and Charlie, two dogs: Buddy & Benji, 3 turtles: Button, Harry and Tipsy and a 150 gallon fish tank. I also like to feed the birds outside and have befriended a family of 5 bluebirds. I also feed the squirrels that run around the neighborhood.
12. Are you a reader? If so, what type of books do you like?
I do not like to read, I tell people I "can't" read all the time lol... its pretty funny~ I mostly skim the pages, and I never read instructions, I probably SHOULD though :-P
13. Are you celebrating a birthday or anniversary in October, November, or December? If so, what day and what is the occasion?
Nothing in October, November or December~
14. Do you collect anything? If so what type of things do you collect?
I collect just about everything. Buttons, milk glass, old photos, crosses, clocks, painted roses on canvas, vintage items thats just a few of them lol...
15. What type of things do you like to cook? Are you an appetizer person, cookie maker, dessert freak or a take out type of person??
Lately I'm into making soup :-P I really like making cookies and desserts, I am more of a baker than a cook~
16. What is your favorite scent? Is there one that you can’t stand?
I love the perfume "Happy" by Clinique
17. What’s your favorite song?
Josh Groban singing AnYtHiNg.... *drooling* here is a video of one of my favs~ http://youtube.com/watch?v=nKDkXOOHG34
18. What’s the last movie you went to see at the movie theater?
Ummmmmm I think it was "Mean Girls" lol
19. What’s your favorite Candy?
cHoCoLaTe anything~
20. Tea or Coffee or other?
I love tea. My latest obsession is a Christmas tea called "Egg-nog" last year I bought 12 boxes of it to last me until this Christmas so I could have it all year long lol. I do not like coffee at all...not even the smell of it!
A box of glass knobs, silk thread, rhinestone do-hickies....
Busy work~
Busy, busy...busy~
"Get out of my way you darn cat!"
Fair entries~
Next on the list is my "padded photo album" okokok..a little creative license here. I do not like traditional photo albums so this is my take on one. More of a photo/memento book :-)
Here is my attempt at something under the catagory of "jewelry".... the photos are from the 1900's.
My favorite item... 6 Christmas ornaments. I used photos of my grandson to create little fairies. They are all two sided with glitter & trim& wings. I just love them lol.
Lastly, a fabric covered box. Mind you, I have no clue what they are wanting sooooo this is my attempt :-P I used fabric that is in my daughters house so I will give it to her when I get it back from the fair.
While taking these quick photos... my cat Charlie jumped up on the bed and laid down beside the box. There she is trying to act "casual"... she just LoVeS attention~
Another treasure~

Local Fair~
If anyone is reading this... you should consider entering things in your own local fair. It is easy-peasy. The entry fee for me was only one dollar per item. The winning dollar amount is seven dollars for first prize.... and yes, I do have a shirt that reads: "If I can't win, I don't want to play" Its not about the money, its about that blue ribbon...lol I want some of those. I know, I know....so 3rd grade!
Dollar days~

The paper cutter I bought for 6 buckeroos.... the two tassles, clipboard and two hanging his/her hooks were a dollar for the lot. (bought a few weekends ago :-) Finally my "day book" from the 1900's. This I bought (I think) last weekend and I'm finally posting a photo of it. I got this gem for 2 bucks.
The only bad thing is... it is all written in pencil and the pages are so yellowed that the writing is faint. Still visable but faint. Ohhhhhhh and I got 6 brand new rub-off transfers for 4 bucks....fun stuff.