Seeing that barrel sink was all it took to get me in the car searching for yard sales looking for 1.) a barrel 2.) a sink 3.) a facet....
Yard sales in the winter months are pretty much non-existent around here... the ones that do pop up--- they want top dollar for absolute jUnK. The one thing you can count on? The swap meet. Oh yeah baby.... miles and miles of junk. *woot-woot* The second to last row, what did I spy? Why two barrels of course! He started off asking $80.... I did the "sheesh-walk-away" and he said, "Come on back, I'll make you a deal." So for only $60.00 for both-- and free delivery to my house, they are MINE.
The guy next to him was selling a small stainless steel sink with the facet attached for $15.00--- I got if for $10.00. Sooooooooo I got all the fixin's for making a pirate barrel sink, I'm so jazzed! I think all the kids are going to be washing their hands whether they need to or not!
I also picked up some old watches...
and some jewelry to pull apart....
along with some hearts too...
This old painting was only $3.00, it was just to sweet to pass up.
What a great ending to 2012 :-)