Been creating a little. This is Pete, here he sits with a handful of "weed" seeds waiting for just the right time to flutter over your garden when your not looking to cast them amongst your flowers. He is such a stinker!

This is Lulu, she loves her pearls. She collects pearls from broken strands and ever so carefully adds them to her ever growing stash~

Been busy....doing nothing of tremendous importance, just busy. I did join a new swap hosted by
Rosalyn-Sue it is called "Charming Cottage Swap." Sounds delightful. My partner is
Laura, it seems we have similar that should make it easy. *fingers crossed :-P*
In the past I've made a lot of models for the theatre to be used as examples of how I wanted a stage set..... this is along those lines, but I'm not going to the trouble of exacting measurements lol....those days are long gone! Here is a little mock up I made, doesn't look like much now, but when all the "goop" gets added to it, I suspect it will look pretty darn cute....or else, I'll start again! Maybe this will get me working on my miniature tree house I've been procrastinating with!
Here is my latest purchase. The very tall shelf unit that was only $15 buckeroos. It is missing the glass shelves, but it has about a 2 inch lip around each shelf and that holds things for now. It has a light at the top that shines down....pretty neat. I also got some vintage party hats for 10 cents. They are so darn cute, I got 4! My past fabulous finds: the lamp *free* the yellow drawers $1 buck, the antique mirror @2 bucks, chair *free* cat *free* lol....ok, almost a hundred to spay her!