Tussie-mussie swap~
Busy, busy, busy~
Party hat art doll~

(I am using Sallie's photo that she took of the art piece she made as I'm feeling to LaZy to get out my camera)
X-mas card swap
I believe....

Newest swap~

Show & Tell Friday~
Xmas in July swap~
My crown...my kingdom~
Two down, two to go~
Show & Tell Friday

Tipsy has the right idea...just climb right into the dish!
This is Harry. Harry is soaking for awhile while the girls are starting their dinner. Harry is a monster...he'll surely eat your legs off (if your a turtle) if your not careful! The turtles go poops in the water, so I like to let them soak in another container so their habitats don't get all stinky.
If you were to purchase a turtle from a pet store you will find that you can only get one that is 4 inches or larger. There is a law that states that you can't buy a turtle smaller as its a concern small children will place the turtles smaller than 4 inches in their mouths.... Most turtles carry salmonella and thats the reason behind the law. My baby turtles were a private adoption from a friend so thats how I got them. When I had my turtles for about a month...I just couldn't resist giving one of them a little kiss on the top of its shell. Well~ the very next morning I awoke with swollen lips. Botox? who needs botex??? I had thee most beautiful puffy pouty lips ever! I should sell that idea to some of those puffy-lipped wanna-be superstars! I'd make a fortune!!!
This Show & Tell Friday is hosted by: Kelli
Birthday bunting~
Sunshine swap~

There is some handmade cupcake pokes, some huge paper umbrellas (never have seen those before) some lip gloss, vintage buttons, a huge balloon, bubbles, magazine, a bottle of glitter, a tiny shabby chic watering can, a cute yellow ceramic basket. a handmade door tag, a super cute butterfly card, a HUGE sucker, some small yellow paper flowers, a gift tag..... whew..I think thats all of it. Ohhhhhhhh and the cute container lol.
All of the items are a sweet reminder of childhood summer time fun. Thanks Jeannie~ such sweetness!
Tussie-mussie swap~

Birthday Fairy~
Show & Tell Friday~

I have yet to go through everything, I am still shaking from giddiness so I thought I would come blog about it all while I was still on this high lol. I'll blog more later with photos :-P
Here is my loot:
Two lots of Christmas items (boxes & boxes)
A box of vintage hankies & mirror
A slew of vintage cards, Christmas/greetings etc.
Old stamps, cards envelopes, papers
Old records with their covers and bindings intact
Linens, doilies, some vintage fabric
An old diploma
That is just the stuff I saw, who knows what else I'll find. Hmmmm hopefully nothing is going to jump out at me lol
Show & Tell Friday~